Saturday, May 2, 2009

Do you think about this too?

I'll be graduating soon. 
I'm a bit concern because I feel I'm not quite ready to let go, so to speak.  I feel without school, I'd be lost.  I am probably just a tad over-dramatic.  But still knowing that I'd be out soon, makes me panic like an ant stepping out of its original route.  

I should be happy.
I should be stoked! (I feel an exclamation mark is always appropriate after the word "stoke")

But, those aren't the only emotions I'm getting from this time of celebration.  I'm also feeling a tad sadden.  I like the fact that I learn something new everyday--that it's a guarantee I'll be taught new things.  Knowing that that would end soon, kinda sucks.

I've thought of grad school.  I'm not quite sure if I'm ready for that either. 


We shall see. 



Friday, May 1, 2009

Eugene Atget

“The answer must be in the pictures, not in words that attempt to describe the pictures; but without trying to describe them we might risk trying to name some of the qualities that reside in them.” –Szarkowski

I'm taking a short break from writing a 10 page, single space paper on Eugene Atget.  Technically that's a 20 page paper...  

How do you go about writing a 20 page paper on a single artist?  

Jaws dropped when my ART 101 professor mentioned that not only does it have to be 10 pages, but also single space.  

He just didn't see the point in double spacing.  

I thought, "joking right teach?"  


He was serious as a heart attack.  


So, here I am, writing my 10 page, single space paper.  Just lovely.

I can't say I have a favorite photograph from Atget's 10,000 prints archive.  Bu here's one I would like to share.